The online discussion “Joint Effort. Engagement of local communities in development of culture centers” will take place on 6 August

3 August, 2021

The online discussion “Joint Effort. Engagement of local communities in development of culture centers” will take place on 6 August at 11:00 Moscow time as part of the Culture Centers-XXI: culture, education, development program. 

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Participation of the local residents in the work of the culture centers, apart from the possibility to respond to the new requests promptly, allows launching new projects and programs, as well as to build, within the culture center’s environment, a full-fledged, committed, robust and creative community.

Another event held within the CC-XXI program is dedicated to the theoretical and practical issues of how to engage the local communities in development of the culture centers. Issues to be discussed:

Methods of applied urban studies and participatory practices, helping to identify the population’s awareness problems concerning the existing recreation centers, and the demand for new formats and services

Challenges, problems and ways of working with the local community

Goals and ways to build communities within the cultural institution environments

The potential of CC as the key points in formation of the local urban identity

Experience in creation of socially responsible projects, including the international practices


Online discussion participants:

  • Daria Naugolnovaarchitect, manager for the “Identity in Typical” project
  • Aleksandra Kremenetscurator, producer of sociocultural projects in Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland
  • Sergey Tsarev, strategic development consultant for Ostrova Group of companies, lecturer at MARSH Architectural School
  • Ekaterina Gandrabura, expert for territorial and museum development projects, curator of sociocultural projects, expert and member of the Partnership Council of the Cultural Managers Association
  • Lyubov Gurariy, specialist in participatory design and work with communities, curator, creative producer of the Rayonnale festival
  • Elena Tarasenko, author of the idea, producer of the Rayonnale festival
  • Natalia Rybalchenko, brand strategist, head of Asmysl company


Maria Sedletskaya, Head of the analytical group CENTRE Lab

You can get registered for the online event via this link:

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