On November 17, 2022, the Regional House of Journalists in the city of Voronezh hosted a press conference dedicated to the launch of the Open Nationwide Architectural and Urban Planning Competition to elaborate a concept for development of Kostyonki-Borshchyovo-Arkhangelskoe historical and natural park in Kostyonki village, in Khokholsky municipality of the Voronezh Region.
The press conference was attended by representatives of regional authorities and the administration of the Voronezh Region, specialists from the regional Department of Architecture and Urban Development, as well as potential participants of the competition.
Irma Kvantaliani, the Head of Marketing and PR Department of the Agency for Strategic Development CENTER, moderated the event.
Konstantin KuznetsovThe Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region
Advantageous location of the competition territory allows to use any existing, well-developed transport and logistic connections of the Voronezh urban district, and this will help to provide stable tourist flow. I am sure that public and tourist spaces of a new type are absolutely necessary for the Region and its visitors
The creation of the Kostyonki-Borshchyovo-Arkhangelskoe historical and natural park is a strategic project suggested by the Voronezh Region Governor, Aleksander Gusev. As part of the space concept, a complete route, including both natural and tourist attractions, should be created.
The aim of the Competition is to select the best development concept for the Kostyonki-Borshchyovo-Arkhangelskoe historical and natural park territory that suggests the formation of a popular tourist and recreational area.
Andrey YerenkovHead of Voronezh Region Architecture and Urban Planning Department
For us, this competition is not just a way to obtain high quality concepts of development of Kostyonki-Borshchyovo-Arkhangelskoe historical and natural park, but also an opportunity to provide Voronezh architects, who I hope will get a chance to join consortia with additional experience in development and preparation of a tourist product that is important for the entire region. We have not yet worked with a territory of such scale and complexity, and are looking forward to this professional challenge
Denis StolyarovThe Head of the Projects Department at the Agency for Strategic Development CENTER
Organizing committee expects that the leading architects from across the country will participate in the competition. Their ideas and offers are to be evaluated by the professional interindustry jury. We are sure that the competitors’ experience, based on which the concepts of territory development will be designed, will allow unlocking of the whole potential of this place, and will create a momentum to develop the place as a historical and natural park, and the region in general
The Competition is held with the support of the Government of the Voronezh region and the Kostenki State Archeological Museum Preserve on the initiative of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Voronezh region. The operator of the competition is the Strategic Development Agency CENTER.
Participants of the All-Russian Competition can be Russian professional organizations in the field of urban planning, architecture, landscape, design, development of concepts of development of public spaces.
You can apply to participate in the Competition on the website until December 7. The winner of the Competition will be announced on the April 27, 2023.