About us

Analytics and consulting organization working in the field of development, urban planning and urban science. We focus on strategic regional development and the quality of the urban environment.

We work


Developing comprehensive regional development concepts and supporting implementation

At the development stage:

  • Comprehensive evaluation of development prerequisites;
  • Functional planning for site and facilities;
  • Development of a master plan;
  • Creation of a comprehensive development model, including an economic model;
  • Elaboration of marketing strategy.

At the implementation support stage:

  • Establishment of a base of active participants and partners, as well as a model setting out the economic relationships between stakeholders;
  • Evaluation of the quality of human resources in the region;
  • Support for work during the pre-project and project stages of implementation;
  • Organization of competitions to develop architectural and urban planning solutions and regional development strategy;
  • Pre-brokerage, brokerage, organization of sales;
  • Project marketing and PR, organization of events to promote the project and region;
  • Government relations (establishing a positive attitude on the part of government authorities at different levels).

Modeling the business processes involved in project implementation

  • Operating plan and implementation priority;
  • Calculation of profitability for investor and tax receipts for the budget;
  • Justification of marketing effect;
  • Identification of funding sources, including state development programs, state and private funds, banks, corporations;
  • Preparation of investment documentation.

Conducting analytical studies to determine best use of land

  • Studies of regional and local residential and commercial real estate markets;
  • Evaluation of development prerequisites, including the social context, historical, cultural and conservation value, environmental situation, etc;
  • Comprehensive evaluation of development prerequisites and urban planning potential;
  • Market research.

Organization of professional competitions and tenders in the fields of urban planning, architecture and design

  • Formation of a team;
  • Formation of a jury and expert panel;
  • Securing participation of professional teams with relevant experience;
  • Preparation of tender documentation package;
  • Government relations;
  • Project marketing (website, PR, press events, content, production, etc.).

Development of efficient public-private partnership models

  • Establishment of sources of state co-financing for the project;
  • Selection of optimal public-private partnership model;
  • Project preparation in accordance with requirements of state programs.

Development of educational and special programs

  • Development of programs for professional business events: seminars, webinars, lectures, conferences and international forums;
  • Organization of events: from site selection and organization of "development" to audience attracting and live broadcast providing;
  • Selection of relevant speakers: experts in the field of architecture, urban planning and urban studies with relevant experience in public speaking;
  • Event marketing, PR and SMM promotion, audience engagement.


  • Sergei Georgievskii

    Sergei Georgievskii

    Co-founder, Chairman of the Expert Panel
  • Ketevan Khelaya

    Ketevan Khelaya

    Co-founder, Executive Director
  • Nikolay Timchenko

    Nikolay Timchenko

  • Olga Gritsan

    Olga Gritsan

    Head of the Analytical Department
  • Denis Dmitrienko

    Denis Dmitrienko

    Head of Communication Design Group
  • Irina Gorbovskaya

    Irina Gorbovskaya

    Head of the Legal Department
An interdisciplinary team of professionals working in the field of regional development and quality urban environment design. The team’s skills and experience are in step with current trends in urban development and meet the high standards of the sector. Each member of our team is an expert in his or her field, with a portfolio of large-scale projects and management experience.

Expert panel

  • Nailya Allakhverdova

    Nailya Allakhverdova

    Public art specialist, art director of the Museum of Modern Art PERMM
  • Ignat Bushukhin

    Ignat Bushukhin

    Journalist, editor in Chief RBK Realty
  • Michael Geller

    Michael Geller

    Architect, specialist in sustainable development, President The Geller Group
  • Eduardo Gutiérrez

    Eduardo Gutiérrez

    Architect, founder of ON-A Arquitectura Studio
  • Alexander Zmeul

    Alexander Zmeul

    Editor in chief of Archspace.info
  • Irina Irbitskaya

    Irina Irbitskaya

    Architect, expert on urban investment and development of territories, organizer of the project "Doktor of Cities"
  • Ksenia Acquaviva (Mokrushina)

    Ksenia Acquaviva (Mokrushina)

    Expert in Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research, founder of CityCompas
  • Nikolay Polisskiy

    Nikolay Polisskiy

    Land Art Artist, designer of land-art projects in Nikola-Lenivets
  • Denis Romodin

    Denis Romodin

    Historian, sovietic architecture expert, founder «SovArch.ru»
  • Nikita Tokarev

    Nikita Tokarev

    Architect, Director of MARSH School
  • Narine Tyutcheva

    Narine Tyutcheva

    Architect, founder Bureau of Architecture "Rozhdestvenka"
  • Marina Khrustaliova

    Marina Khrustaliova

    Specialist in cultural heritage, founder of Heritage School
  • Anja Sophia Ehrenfried

    Anja Sophia Ehrenfried

    Architect, partner, EDDEA architect bureau
  • Yu Kongzhan

    Yu Kongzhan

    Landscape architect, Founder of Turenscape Landscape Bureau
The expert council of the agency “CENTER” unites leading Russian and international experts in urban planning, architecture, creative industries and architectural media spheres for mutual cooperation and the joint initiatives and projects realization, dedicated to the complex development of the territories and the city environment quality

International partners

Shanghai DaPei Architektural Design Co., Ltd
Geller Group
IB2C France SAS
Studio Associato Fugazza


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