Experts from the Agency for Strategic Development CENTER have begun work on the Research "Comprehensive Assessment of the Development Potential of Grozny, Chechen Republic". This is the first stage of the master plan for Grozny.
The initiator of the project – Mayor’s Office of the Grozny city with the support of the Government of the Chechen Republic and the major Russian financial institute in the field of development DOM.RF.
The work on the Study will be carried out by an interdisciplinary team from the CENTER together with the local expert community.
Goals of the Research:
The Research will assess the socio-economic situation of the urban environment. Also it will identify the tasks that will be assigned for the developers of the master plan.
The second stage of the development of the master plan of the city of Grozny is to hold an open international competition for the development of the master plan of the city of Grozny, Chechnya, in which professional organizations in the field of integrated development of territories and urban planning, architecture and design can take part.
The master plan will develop a strategy for the development of the city's space and will propose effective mechanisms for urban development.
The master plan obtained as a result of the project will determine the main vectors of development of Grozny in the medium and long term. Its purpose is to solve the strategic problems of the city as a whole.