The start of the Open All-Russian Competition with International Participation for Tourist Area Development was announced

14 June, 2023

The start of the Open All-Russian Competition with International Participation for Tourist Area Development was announced.

Russian and foreign companies, architectural bureaus, Consortium of professional specialists are invited to participate in the Competition.

Aim of the Competition is to develop architectural, planning and urban planning solutions for the development of the future tourist area and determine its possible development strategy.

The federal scale family resort is being created in unique natural conditions on the Black Sea coast 25 km from the city of Anapa.

The total area of the territory for the establishment of a year-round resort is 1806 hectares. A modern, comfortable and diverse tourist-recreational infrastructure will be created for quality family holidays

New Anapa will be a center for family, sports and event tourism.

In the scope of the Competition, the tasks are to determine the functional-planning organization of the territory and the placement of future infrastructure objects taking into account existing restrictions and surrounding construction, pedestrian and transport accessibility, connectivity to engineering communications, as well as calculating preliminary technical and economic indicators of the tourist territory being created.

Customer of the Competition — The Tourism.RF Corporation.

Operator — Agency for the strategic development CENTER.

Photo: Turizm.RF

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