"Edutainment through public spaces" lecture by Anna Bezginova within the framework of the Moscow Urban Forum.

6 September, 2023

Anna Bezginova, an analyst at the CENTER Strategic Development Agency, noted that education has become a lifestyle for many and goes beyond the walls of educational organizations, museums and libraries. New knowledge can be found everywhere, and the objects of education become urban attractors.

Edutainment through public spaces is a modern and developing format for obtaining new knowledge in an understandable and interactive form in the comfortable conditions of public spaces.

The edutainment penetrating into the city makes its environment more diverse. Parks, squares, streets and courtyards become interactive platforms for learning.

Unique scientific and educational parks and children's themed playgrounds immerse you in the world of knowledge, and the event program, interactive excursions and tourist concepts of cities are reoriented to the eduteitment. All this helps to develop social skills, communication skills, critical thinking and creativity.

The use of public spaces for edutainment has many advantages, including increasing the popularity of education, developing cultural life, promoting social integration and improving the quality of life.

You can get acquainted with the presentation "Edutainment through public spaces" by following the link.

Photo: Moscow Urban Fest

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