International exhibition of decorative and technical lighting, electrical engineering, building automation and security Interlight Russia 2023

18 September, 2023

The exhibition included a session of the Russian Parks Association / ParkSeason on the topic "High-quality lighting of parks, public spaces and adjacent territories as an essential element of creating a comfortable urban environment".

The discussion was attended by:

- Evgeny Mordvintsev, Chief Engineer of the State Institution of Moscow "Park Yauza";

- Kirill Nikishin, chief engineer of the State Museum of Natural Resources "Tsaritsyno";

- Boris Petrov, chief power engineer of the Sokolniki Park and Recreation Center;

- Olga Gritsan, head of the analytical department of the Agency for Strategic Development "CENTER";

- Valeria Savinykh, architect of urban spaces, co-founder of SPACES bureau.

The moderator - Denis Tsukanov, Director of "Association of Parks of Russia".

In her speech Olga Gritsan emphasized the peculiarities of lighting of public spaces in northern cities.

Lighting is one of the important components of the urban environment and affects not only the visual and aesthetic attractiveness and safety of the environment, but also the general psycho-physiological state of a person.

Northern cities have a special environment due to many factors: unique light conditions (light day and polar night, long twilight), treeless landscapes, long winter with extreme conditions (high snow cover, snowstorms, strong winds), frequent fogs, long cloudy weather.

In combination with the monotony of buildings, characteristic of many cities, this leads to the formation of a discomforting environment. Therefore, in northern cities, competent lighting is of particular importance.

In 2022, the Design Code of the Arctic settlements was developed, designed to adapt the requirements of regulatory documents in relation to the conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including in matters of lighting.
This document envisages the use of various types of lighting - semiconductor sources - light-emitting diodes (LEDs), sources with high color rendering, projections and screens (slide mapping, gobo projections, media facades), illumination lighting (garlands, grids with sources of low power and size) and others.

The presence of comprehensive concepts for the creation of a unified lighting environment, developed for some northern cities, indicates the increasing attention to this issue. Concepts should offer solutions adapted to the conditions, in order to increase the visual attractiveness of the urban environment (including compensate for the lack of light and color), to ensure psychophysiological comfort and safety of the urban environment.

Photo:  Agency for Strategic Development “CENTER”

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