Results of the Open International Competition for the development of a master plan for the city of Grozny city, Chechen Republic

5 October, 2023

Grozny, October 5th - Following the jury's meeting of the Open International Competition for the development of a master plan for the city of Grozny city, Chechen Republic, the Consortium led by "MASTER’S PLAN" LLC has been announced as the winner.

The announcement of the competition results took place at the Residence of the Head of the Chechen Republic.

"The master plan for the city of Grozny is a strategic document that defines the long-term development of the city. The successful implementation of the master plan will contribute to the creation of a sustainable and balanced development of the city's territories and urban environment, which will have a positive impact on the development of the entire Chechen Republic," said Ramzan Kadyrov, the Head of the Chechen Republic. He emphasized the immense significance of the master plan for the development of the entire Republic, including its impact on the economy, social sphere, quality of life, and education. "Currently, the development of master plans for various cities in the Chechen Republic is being planned. This is part of the region's development strategy and aims to create a sustainable and balanced urban environment in all settlements," added Ramzan Kadyrov in his concluding remarks.

During the selection stage, the jury reviewed 16 applications, with 6 submitted by individual participants and 10 from consortia with international participation, representing a total of 53 companies from 22 cities in 10 countries.
Three consortia with international participation, consisting of 24 companies from 5 countries, proceeded to the second stage.
The Expert Council and the Jury comprised 40 experts in urban planning, territorial development, and digitalization from Azerbaijan, the United Kingdom, Qatar, China, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the leadership of the Chechen Republic for their warm welcome. Grozny has been rapidly developing in recent years and has become a symbol of the Caucasus. We have witnessed an increase in tourist influx. The city is becoming more comfortable for the younger generation, students, and the older generation. I wish the capital of the Chechen Republic continued prosperity. We have ambitious plans ahead of us, which are related to today's major event - the announcement of the results of the international competition for the development of the master plan, in which foreign companies also participated. It is crucial when our experience intertwines with the practices of other countries in the development of megacities and agglomerations. I believe that the jury had a challenging task because all the ideas presented by the finalists were relevant and interesting," noted Vitaly Mutko, the CEO of DOM.RF.

On October 4, 2023, the Jury Meeting of the Competition took place at the Conference Hall of the Chechen State Pedagogical University, where the finalists presented and defended their competition proposals.

The Mayor of Grozny, Khas-Magomed Kadyrov, opened the meeting with introductory remarks, stating, "Grozny is a great city with a unique history that has not only managed to quickly rise from ruins but also become a model for many other cities. These achievements are associated with the name of the First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov (may Allah accept his martyrdom!). At the beginning of the year, under the initiative of the Head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, with the comprehensive support of the Government of the Russian Federation and financial support from DOM.RF, an Open International Competition for the development of the master plan for Grozny was launched, with the participation of Russian specialists and leading experts from different countries. The master plan for the city will determine the urban planning and socio-economic development directions. The very decision to hold this competition reflects a new stage in the development of the entire Republic. And today, we can confidently say that the project of creating a city of the future in Grozny has come true!" emphasized Khas-Magomed Kadyrov.

Sergey Georgievskiy, co-founder of the Agency for Strategic Development “CENTER”, the operator of the competition, stressed the significance of the implemented project not only for the Chechen Republic but also for the entire country: “Grozny is the gateway to the Chechen Republic, the socio-economic center of the North Caucasus and the geostrategic point in the south of Russia. The city determines Russia’s relationship with Asia and Africa and is a connecting link in partnership with the Arab world”.

The first place was awarded to the Consortium led by "MASTER’S PLAN" LLC.

The draft master plan identifies 5 main levels of development of Grozny: economic, social, cultural, environmental and historical.
To achieve the image of the future, 22 interrelated projects are envisaged, each of which contributes to the diversity of infrastructure, attracting investors, supporting key industries and improving the quality of life. Within the framework of these projects, it is planned to create territories of education, innovation and economic activity, the development of production, the renewal of the natural environment and the renovation of the city center.
The master plan will allow achieving sustainable development of the city of Grozny through the restructuring of the economy. The expected results include the creation of new high-tech industries, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, reducing dependence on one source of income, compliance of education with the requirements of the economy, sustainable development taking into account the environment and increasing the competitiveness of the city.

The second place was awarded to the Consortium led by "Art. Lebedev Studio" LLC.

The master plan is based on the vision of the city of Grozny as an innovative center preserving the heritage, as a center of Vainakh and Islamic culture, as a city for the young and creative, as a city for large families and a city of a healthy lifestyle.
The scenario of the integrated development of the city provides for the achievement of such goals as economic diversification, transformation of the labor market, development of human capital and the formation of a new urban appearance.
To achieve these goals, it is planned to create a cluster of information technologies and creative industries, develop the industrial sector and implement large-scale urban projects. The seven planning districts proposed in the project are being developed taking into account the strengthening of agglomeration links. The new look of the city is reflected in the identity and design code emphasizing the rich heritage of the modern image.

The third place was taken by the "City of Generations" Consortium.

The draft master plan of Grozny reflects the tasks that will help in the formation of a city that meets the principles of ethno-urbanism, where the newest technologies are created and implemented and the Vainakh cultural code is preserved.
The polycentric principle of development of the city of Grozny is offered, taking into account specialization of functions of each sub-center.
Scenario of development of the city of Grozny provides development of cultural and tourist potential, creation of international center, diversification of economy through development of digital industry and creative sector, creation of landmark objects of the city, development of education, medicine and infrastructure. The project is aimed at strengthening the position of the city as the main spiritual and cultural center of Islamic life in Russia.

Photo: Zaur Takhgiriev / Agency for Strategic Development “CENTER”

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