Communication strategy Berezovaya Alley

22 August – 16 September 2016

Residential area "Birch Alley" is located within walking distance of the Main Botanical Garden RAS, Ostankino Park, the estate of Count Sheremetev and VDNKH. Barrio Adentro is built Aquatics Center "Dynamo", which will be the training ground for professional athletes and the general audience.


When designing the developer uses modern technologies that improve thermal insulation and comfort rooms.

The purpose of the communication strategy

To develop the concept of positioning of a residential neighborhood, which will be based on the key benefits of the LCD.

Stages of work

  • identification of the key advantages of the complex on the basis of the initial data;
  • identification and description of the target audience;
  • analyst competitive practices;
  • development of the concept of positioning and key messages;
  • recommendations for dealing with the main communication channels;
  • special projects program, aimed at the integration of the target audience.


people whose core values ​​coincide with the values ​​and benefits of the brand "Birch Alley." They directed major advertising campaign

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