The first youth architectural biennale will take place in the youngest city of Russia – Innopolis (Republic of Tatarstan) on October 12 to 14.
The Biennale is organized to change the situation, giving the younger generation a real opportunity to be seen and heard in the professional area.
Sergay ChobanCurator of the Biennale
"I see the main task of the Biennale in helping young architects to show themselves and at the same time draw the attention of regional authorities to the most successful of them. We invite the participants to answer the question: what should be the environment of our cities so that they would like to come to them, so that they could live comfortably and work in them. This is a very important statement - both professional and civil. "
The Biennale consists of two parts - a business program and an exhibition of 30 projects by young architects, selected by an international jury. The best projects will receive awards, and the Biennale's exposition will be demonstrated at other venues in Kazan, Moscow and other Russian cities.
Natalia FihmanCo-director of the Biennale
"Tatarstan has deserved the right to be the first venue for holding the youth architectural biennale. Imagine that five years later, the new celebrated professionals will be able to say that it was here where they got the first impulse for their success. New public spaces have been created by efforts of mostly young specialists in Tatarstan for three years already. We know how to trust them and to support them in their efforts to implement their designs. Such investments in the new professional community return to us as unique cutting-edge projects that our region can be proud of."
Young architects under 35 years (inclusive), having the education not lower than the Bachelor, can participate in the Biennale.
The application for the preliminary round shall be submitted in the user account. The application shall include the information on the participant, an essay and a portfolio of 3 to 5 projects that meet the objectives of the Biennale the most exactly. The designs can be both implemented or not implemented.
The designs included in the portfolio shall be created by the participant independently or as a member of a team of authors, where all the members are under 35 years.
Curator (Chairman of the Jury) shall select 20 Finalists based on their portfolio and essays, who will be admitted to the second round and will begin their work on the Contest proposal.